4 Months

Vincent turned 4 months yesterday. He’s officially in 3-6 months clothes (even though mamma tries to shove some of the cute 0-3 month clothing on him sometimes). We’ve been sticking him in his high chair while Daddy cooks dinner, calling him the assistant chef. We give him little cups to play with. It’s so cute to see him grab them and put them in his mouth. He’s getting better and better at grabbing things each day.

We’re not rolling over yet, but I think that’s because Mamma and Daddy don’t give him the opportunity. Now that he’s sleeping in his crib (waking up every hour, but at least he’s out of our bed), we’ve seen him look like he’s just on the cusp of rolling over. We’d prefer it if he’d save the moment when we’re not asleep to attempt these things. Honestly, we think he’s not really trying to roll over but actually craning his neck to try to the find his favorite food source he’s used to latching onto at night.

He’s also starting to take more interest in toys, especially ones that light up and move. When he’s in a good mood we can stick him under his mobile and he’ll just grin and wiggle at it. Sometimes he’ll squeal, but that’s more of an accident right now. Still just as cute. Mamma has been practicing sitting up with him, but he usually looks like a drunken sailor and topples right over.


4 Month, June 15

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